Sunday, March 18, 2012

Apple Pie

Richard's Grandma said she loved apple pie as dessert for her traditional Irish dinners.  She's no longer with us, but the tradition continues.
I have some odd inability to make a decent pie crust, so I buy mine.

You can be lazy and buy canned pie filling, (this way often lacks flavor) but the best way to make the pie filling is finding tart apples, and following on of the many recipes such as this one by Paula Dean.  I find apple pie filling to be like a bread recipe.  Everyone has a recipe they love, but few of them are truly bad.

The bottom layer needs to be poked with a fork to keep its shape and keep from bubbling.  Trim the outside of the bottom crust so it doesn't go over the sides.

dump pie filling into bottom crust and even out as best as possible.

Place the top layer, centered, on top of the fruit.  Use your fingers to "close the lid" and pinch the crust all the way around.  Sprinkle with sugar.

Use a small, sharp knife, like a paring knife to make air holes.  you can be creative or just make large slits.

Cover crust edges with foil. You do this because the crust will brown well before the middle of the pie is done with out it.  By the time the pie is done, with out foil, the crust will burn on the edges.

Bake at 400 for 20-30 min and remove foil.  Continue to bake until crust is browned.



MammaRoxx said...

Carrie!!! I have a most amazing pie crust recipe. However, it uses ice cold vodka instead of water. It makes a much more tender crust, & much flakier, as the alcohol evaporates far better than the water. I don't know if your being Mormon allows you to use alcohol in cooking or baking. I do know that Cook's country & Alton Brown have EXCELLENT pie crust recipes as well. You use your food processor, which makes it go lickety split!!!

Tristan said...

I love apple pie!

GoingtotheShowing said...

This makes me drool!

Mrs T said...

Mama Rox! I'd love that recipe! You should post it! :)

Mrs T said...

I deleted the other comment. Even Anonymous people can make fools of themselves by not actually reading things. LOL