Wednesday, September 7, 2011

For those cooks who need a laugh...

People always say you shouldn't share a kitchen.  Well we have 4 adult who share one.  I do most of the cooking, but not all.  That means that usually, I am the one who makes the shopping list, and buys the groceries for 8 people.  That is a lot of food, and my hand gets tired, so I abbreviate... a lot.  It's just me and I understand it, so I don't worry.

My husband's birthday was a few weeks ago, and I went nuts making sandwich wraps, dips, drinks, picnic cakes with walnuts and without, and apples and apple dip, etc. Only, I forgot most of the ingredients for the apple dip.  Ugh.  Frantic and running out of time, my mother sensed me need and offered to scoot to the corner market and grab what I needed.  I scribbled down my shopping list and handed it to her amidst thank yous and hugs.

She looked at it and started to go.  Then stopped.  "What is this for again?"  I said "Apple Dip"  She looked confused.  "What is in it?"  I said   "Butterscotch chips, vinegar, --"  she laughed "Oh!  I knew that.  Thanks"

The whole interaction confused me but I was way too busy.  The night was a huge success even being on a Sunday and we had a full house.  I was so busy and having so much fun, that when it came time to cut the picnic cakes, I turned to my Father in law and said "You're a no-nut guy, right?"  He chortled and said.  "*cough* um.  Yes.  I'm a NO-NUT guy."  FACEPALM.  Oops.

But that isn't what this post is about.  Aftet the party, I was cleaning up, and I saw the shopping list.  It looked like this:

2 cn Sw Cd Mk
2 C BUTT chips

Ah... I see why she needed to clarify those Butt Chips.  Well, sharing a kitchen can amuse people if nothing else. 


Julie said...

Hee hee hee! I started to click the reaction box for sounds good, because your story made me laugh- but I had to think twice because BUTT chips, definitely don't "sound good" and I don't think I'm "gonna try it"! I would however like your recipe for the apple dip! :)

Tristan said...

Too funny!!

St.Aubin said...

Bahahahahhahaa Laughing out loud in B&N reading this while everyone at the tables around me think I'm "nuts!" BUTT totally worth it :-)