Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Battle of the Bulge... in the breast. Food for thought.

A year ago last October, my sweet Momma had a breast cancer scare.  This year, we are back in the saddle.  So, as we worry and wait to find out one way or another, (rather than feel helpless) I have gone to where I now vent my stress into a creative passion: The kitchen.  I have been researching cancer fighting foods.  The funny thing is that it isn't that different from the healthy diets your doctor tells you about.  So my new theory, is why wait until you know have cancer to eat the way you should?  None of it is really drastic or weird.  High in fiber foods, leafy greens, beans and legumes, etc.  I'll be posting some of our family tested "cancer fighting" meals and some that I want to try and will inevitably lose due to my organization issues.

There are many sources but I liked this one from the Cancer Cure Foundation.  It lists different specific foods.  If y'all would like to contribute, we'd love to get your ideas and recipes!  Here's the link:  Cancer Fighting Foods

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