Thursday, September 24, 2009


I recently added a new member to my family and am now a mother of 4. Life is going pretty well, except I find that my afternoon and evenings are a nightmare. Picking up kids and then trying to soothe a hungry baby who is having his fussy period of the day, on top of managing homework and normal day to day meltdowns of the younger set leave dinner time a bit hectic.
Although I like to think that I typically "have it all together" mentally... lately "new mommy brain" has settled in and I can't seem to think clearly when I need to, namely at dinner time. Dinner needs to be quick, tasty, and kid-friendly. (extra emphasis on the quick!) DOES ANYONE HAVE ANY RECIPES TO SHARE? PLEASE?


Pays said...

My crock-pot is my friend when I am busy!! A simple recipe that we do, is just put some chicken breasts in the crock-pot (can be frozen) and dump some BBQ sauce over. Cook most of the day, then shred and put on buns--our own little BBQ chicken sandwiches. If my kids don't want the bun, they just eat the bbq chicken. Hope this helps and good luck!

Lady Carolyn said...

I think it was your family who introduced me to Pita sandwiches. That might be something. I'll keep thinking.

Lexi said...

Grilled PB&J (you can even make it faster by throwing them in the toaster oven). That's just a quick lunch, will try to think of some good dinners :-)