Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Chili night

Ah the first cold and rainy day. Perfect night for Chili.


Lexi said...

I'm loving all your pictures! They all look cook book perfect. Perhaps we should put a blogger cook book together for the fam :-)

Lady Carolyn said...

I would love that! I've heard you can have a year of a blog printed out in hard bound form, but I don't know where or how much. Plus its in order of post not sectioned but category.

Lexi said...

Hmm, well we could always check kinko's and such (they'd probably print any way we requested:-). We'd probably have to pay a little extra, but the binding is spiral, which might be hepful in the kitchen. (I find that my spirals lay open nicer).

Julie said...

What, no recipe? I always like to compare my chili recipes with every one elses's! :)

Lady Carolyn said...

Jules- There's a link to the recipe. Click on the word Chili. I thought it redundant to post the same thing twice.