Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Cake Mix Cookies

Warning: these are addicting. You can't beat the taste, price, or convenience factor.

1 box cake mix, any flavor (I have used Devil's Food Chocolate, Cherry Chip, or Lemon, but any flavor will do)
1/3 cup of oil
2 eggs

Mix thoroughly. Roll into one inch balls then roll balls into powdered sugar. Place on ungreased baking sheet. Bake at 350 degrees, for 6-9 minutes.

You could also skip the powdered sugar and opt for frosting instead- but I don't always have frosting and powdered sugar is quicker.

Tip: buy the cheap cake mix- it really doesn't matter in this recipe. Just make sure it's not the sugar free variety- the cookies didn't taste right when we tried it.

1 comment:

Lady Carolyn said...

I'm excited to try these! Thanks Jules!