Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Why the blog?

I have friends with recipe blogs that I visit and sometimes contribute to as well. The problem is, a lot of the recipes are things my kids won't go near, or that aren't cost effective. Easy is nice, but in these times, food storage friendly or especially budget friendly is key.

For example, if i have a recipe that only costs $10 to feed my soon to be family of 5, yet the kids don' eat it and the food goes to waste, what's the point? Some times the kids have to deal, but in the case of Zatorrain's, which i love and is dirt cheap, I'm the only one who eats enough of it to make it worth while.

Also, I'd like to use the labels to make my menus. So if I need to make something fast and easy with chicken, I click the chicken label or the easy label and get my recipe and ingredients right there. Kinda handy.

I'm also looking for bargains and coupons etc. to help out. So any links or tips would be great. I'm inviting all of you as authors, so add and label your additions to share. Thanks guys!


Julie said...

What a great idea! I'll be happy to help as ideas come to me! Love ya, cuz!

Pays said...

Fabulous idea! I always love kid friendly recipes.